About Us
PT AIKO INDONESIA GLOBAL is a national private company engaged in procurement, trade, export, import and trading which plays an active role in the country. PT AIKO INDONESIA GLOBAL has carried out several activities such as mining, trading and export-import Trust given by various parties (Government, Private and Individual) has created various products or goods produced. PT AIKO INDONESIA GLOBAL gait in carrying out trading and procurement activities will not run well without the support and good cooperation of all the company's partners. As a manifestation of a series of learning processes and company experiences through effective - efficient technology management, we are ready to provide the best service in creating good working relationships.
Vision & Mission
Making PT AIKO INDONESIA GLOBAL an export & import and trading company that can compete with other companies. With the development of human resources, technology management, and good corporate governance, this company can become the best company in Indonesia as a superior and resilient company in Contracting, General Trading, and Property.
To be competitive in mastering the necessary technology to optimize quality and minimize costs. To submit work on schedule and meet quality standards, among others:
- Providing export and import goods and services
- Refers to the latest and most updated Modern styles
- Cultivating profits to increase corporate value and fulfill obligations to Shareholders as one of the main Stakeholders and other Stakeholders.
Cooperation Partners
PT AIKO INDONESIA GLOBAL has the ability to be supported by professional experts who have extensive experience from various disciplines in handling their work. Experience:
Safety is the main thing at PT AIKO INDONESIA GLOBAL, which reflects the quality requirements for Design, Development, Production, Installation, and Material Handling workers and General Engineering workers. The company also applies the TQM concept to all levels of the organization to ensure quality requirements are properly implemented and maintained. It is the policy of PT AIKO INDONESIA GLOBAL to provide our customers with timely, error-free, cost-effective products and services that meet their needs. Health and environmental policies PT AIKO INDONESIA GLOBAL is committed to safety and environmental policies as follows:
Consistent Quality Management System
Risk Management System in Achievement of Business Results
Occupational Health and Safety Management System (K3), to prevent accidents and occupational diseases.
Environmental Management, To Create Environmentally Friendly Work Processes
Information Protection Management System, to Maintain Confidentiality and Provide Reliable Information
Guidelines for Corporate Governance Based on Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Principles and Compliance with Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Regulations
Ir Keysar SE
KomisarisArie Novan A,S.KOM
Direktur UtamaReny Octora,S.AK
DirekturIndah Maharani,S.PD
Manager Keuangan/AkutansiGrace Martayukihana Sitinjak
Manager Export/ImportTommy Ramadhan
Manager MarketingAsnal Hilmi
Manager OperationalDeny Rio,S.IP
Manager Produksi/GudangBeny Marta,S.IP
Human Resource DevelopmentAssoc. Prof. Dr. Ariawan Gunadi, S.H., M.H.
Legal OfficerKaryawan